Dennis Trillo faces video scandal?
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A video scandal—according to the rumor mills.
The "video scandal" became one of the most frequent and alarming issues faced by celebrities in 2005. Most of the video-scandal victims claimed that theirs was a case of mistaken identity; some chose to keep totally mum about the issue; and only one openly admitted she was the subject of the video.
Here's the latest.
John "Sweet" Lapus received this MMS (Multi-Messaging System) video from, in his words, one of his "anak-anakan gays." It's an 11-seconder video of a guy playing with his, uhh, toy. Now, the intriguing thing about it is—the guy resembles Dennis Trillo!
Our PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) blogger couldn't contain his curiosity so he gave Popoy Caritativo, Dennis's manager, a phone call. Bluntly, Sweet asked him if Dennis is the guy on the video.
Popoy reportedly said that, at first glance, the picture did look like his alaga. But that when he looked at it more closely, the guy looked much younger.
Showbiz Central—which has just replaced SFiles as GMA-7's entertainment program for Sundays—has the exclusive story on Dennis's reaction to the video. Don't miss the first episode this Sunday, April 29, at around 4 p.m.