Angel Locsin: Enterprising GMAAC talent
Monday, April 23, 2007

And now, Angel moves a step higher in the ladder of success as she tries her hands in another field - movie production!
This latest endeavor of Angel is in collaboration with her manager, Ms. Rebecca "Becky" Aguila, and her brother and some other business partners. They’ve recently wrapped up production on "Angels," a trilogy starring Angel, Marvin Agustin, Jennylyn Mercado, Paolo Paraiso, the Aguila twins, Empress Schuck et al, and directed by Gina Alajar, Dingdong Dantes, and Mark Reyes.
Since I cannot interview Angel personally (I’m still on my sabbatical in cold New York), we did a chat through email and I’m sharing you the result.
Question: What made you decide to produce a movie?
Angel Locsin: The main reason is for growth and enhancement. I want to learn the business and hopefully help generate jobs and create beautiful movies.
Q: Why this time when the industry is still on the slump?
A: It takes one to trigger other producers to participate again in film making.
Q. And why a trilogy?
A: We wanted to create three different stories and come up with three powerful casts and directors with different strokes and attacks.
Q: This is Dingdong Dantes’ first directorial job; Why did you choose him?
A: He is perfect. he’s young, aggressive with fresh ideas.
Q: Was it really in your agenda to become a movie producer?
A: My manager Tita Becky gave me the idea to produce. I thought about it and I said yes.
Q: For your next production, if ever, would you consider co-starring with your ex, Oyo Boy? If not, who would you like to be paired with?
A: If the role would fit into his character...why not?
Q: You’ve portrayed mostly romantic roles; what would be your dream role, something you consider most challenging?
A: I would like to play an independent woman like Angelina Jolie in Tomb raider. That's why in this movie I developed my character to be like that.
Q: In "Angel of Mine," what kind of role do you play? How different is it from your previous roles?
A: In this movie I play Angie, a reporter who is independent and hardworking. She is distant from other people.
Q: Do you dream of directing a movie too someday?
A: Yes at the right time I would like to direct
Q: How do you define success? Happiness?
A: Success- acheiving your goals in life happiness — having peace and harmony with everyone
Q: How do you assess yourself now in terms of success?
A: I am so blessed
Q: What is your ultimate goal in life?
A: To have a good family life...a good husband and wonderful children
Q: How long are you giving yourself in show business?
A: right now until the people want to see me on TV.. I’ll be there
Q: You’re a very busy person; what do you do for relaxation or recreation?
A: Watch dvds and workout
Q: What makes you happy? What makes you mad?
A: Happy- being with the people i love mad — not being able to spend time with my family.
Q: Are you a religious person? What do you pray for?
A: yes....peace and harmony in our lives
Q: What did you do during the Holy Week?
A: I stayed home and rested
Q: Describe the real Angel Locsin.
A: She is simple and independent.
Q: What are your advocacies or charity works?
A: I support Gabriela and I would like to have a foundation for oppressed kids and for the blind
Q: If you were to retire now, what would be your fondest memories of showbiz and the most bitter?
A: The fondest would be every single day I see my fans screaming my name they make me so happy. bitter? none i get intrigues and all but it happens you know.
Q: Favorites: Food, song, movie, actor/actress singers; place, perfume, flower, cartoon character, book, etc.
A: Food- spaghetti and sinigang na baboy sarap song- anything by nirvana. Actor-Johnny Depp, actress- Meryll Streep, singers-Beyonce place-my new house haha. Perfumeeclat, flower-roses, cartoon-Homer Simpson, book-Harry Potter.
Q: If you didn’t enter showbiz, what would you be doing today?
A: I would be studying criminology
Q: I you were a real angel, who would you want to take care of?
A: My family especially my dad..
Q: What is your philosophy in life?
A: Life is like a box of chocolates sometimes its sweet sometimes it's bitter—