Captain Barbell’s girl now a full-fledged celebrity
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The girl is 17-year-old Rhian Ramos whose first foray on the boob tube as a TV commercial actor (her first was one of the “McJelly Trio Girl” last year) led her to probably the biggest break a newbie has ever been given by a major network. As Leah, Teng’s childhood friend and love interest in Captain Barbell, Rhian easily became a household name.
Now, the girl is getting to be a real celebrity. Just recently, she has been signed by Bobson to be one of its celebrity endorsers.
Rhian is a typical teener. She loves to sleep, eat, and watch movies. More than anything, it’s Claw who makes her really happy. Sorry, guys, but Claw is her pet Doberman.
She shakes her head vigorously when asked about being involved in any sport. She says she’s got awful “coordination.”
She admires Tom Hanks, among the actors in Hollywood, and loves to listen to the music of Up Dharma Down, Radioactive Sago Project and Urbandub, so one can surmise that she’s a rocker.
Now, this is a revelation. Her favorite song is “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” Very young, yet her taste in music dates back to the time of her mom.
Rhian describes herself as complex, persevering, genuine, passionate, obsessive-compulsive and chirpy. She fears failure and says that her unforgettable childhood memory is sitting at the side of a tennis court as a child and getting hit by the ball! Her goal is to get through whatever challenges come her way and admires people who persevere no matter what.
Rhian is bubbly and full of life, describing herself as “hyper” and “makulit,” the exact opposite of the personality of Leah who is meek and soft spoken. She wants to try action roles in the future and in fact, wants to play a superhero.
When she became the “McJelly Trio Girl,” Rhian did not imagine how many doors would open for her. It was her very first commercial and it was a lead part so people took notice of her. Timing was perfect because the GMA Artist Center executives were looking for two girls to play Leah and Kit for Captain Barbell then. GMA Artist Center “looked” for her and obviously, found her and was asked to audition for Captain Barbell.
When asked how life has changed since she became a celebrity, she says that she does not feel the difference. She considers her career her “new school” and her friends from her real school do not treat her differently.
What about her love life? Anyone interesting we can talk about? Rhian’s ideal guy is someone who is tall, dark and handsome. She has to be best friends with the guy first before she can go to the next level. She also likes guys who are playful and funny.
As Bobson’s celebrity endorser, Rhian gets dolled-up with its dreamy holiday collection. Young women will have a choice between being transported back to the Victorian Era or a trip to the Orient. The Victorian Glam collection brings you back to the era of romanticism, frivolity and extravagance. Jeans have embroideries and prints in romantic swirls, Victorian borders, wings and are accentuated with studs or laces. Tops have emphasis on sexy silhouettes, empire cuts, layering and low necklines. Definitely romantic but wicked, sweet but aggressive but totally glamorous! The Oriental Charm collection has the influences of the region as it has embroideries of Chinese characters, cherry blossoms and other Asian insignias. Select long sleeved blouses have Oriental costume silhouettes and romantic skirts in layered ruffles are also introduced.